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Thematic Curriculum

Created by
Dr Farah Ahmed

Building on our successful Early Years and Primary curriculum, our Secondary provision offers a set of themes aimed at furthering critical thought, inquiry and reasoning on a wide range of topics. Thematic learning is incorporated across all subject areas, allowing learners to make connections and deepen their understanding.

For example, the Year 8 theme ‘Khorasan’ introduces learners to a key geographical region of the Islamic world and presents Khorasan as a furnace of Muslim knowledge and scholarship. learners take Registan Square in Samarqand as a case study to explore the iconic relationship between madrasa and masjid. Moreover, through exploring the architectural elements of the Ulugh Beg madrasa, learners learn about the function, purpose and nature of the madrasa and the concept of seeking knowledge in Islam. This theme is an example of a Design unit through which learners investigate different ways of thinking and talking about architecture and design.

The table below shows an overview of the themes in our secondary school.

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Thematic Curriculum
  • Level
    Secondary School
  • Category
  • Language
  • Certificate