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Primary School Assessment

Objectives of Shakhsiyah Schools Assessment Policy

  • Observe children as they act and interact in their play, everyday activities and planned activities, and learn from parents about what the child does at home (observation).
  • To recognise achievement in all aspects of the child’s life across our holistic curricula
  • To raise achievement for all children by using assessment to build on the child’s strengths and to recognise individual needs
  • To ensure that there is a common agreement about the purposes and methods of planning and assessment, and about how and what is to be recorded
  • To ensure assessment is carried out continuously to inform and shape planning and teaching
  • To inform planning through consistent marking and provide feedback so that children’s work is valued and children know what the next steps are to make progress
  • To work collaboratively with for parents/ carers, children and others
  • To provide a framework within which the school can evaluate curriculum delivery and children’s progress
  • To aid review of resources for equipment and the planning of INSET/CPD
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Working with Parents

Parents are given feedback of their child’s progress at the end of each term through teacher-parent meetings where they are able to peruse through their child’s learning journey. This is an opportunity for teachers to learn more about the shakhsiyah and needs of each child under their care. Children also discuss termly targets with their teachers and receive targets cards to help them move forward. Parents also receive an annual report with detailed narrative evaluations.

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