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Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Created by
Dr Farah Ahmed

Shakhsiyah Schools’ holistic curriculum incorporates Science, Geography and ICT into an area of learning called Knowledge and Understanding of the World. This ensures that learners see their learning as relevant to their lives and they come to understand how much there is to learn about the world around them, encouraging their curiosity to explore and learn.


Our scheme covers all of the Chemistry, Biology and Physics content from the 2014 Key Stage 3 Science National Curriculum in 2.5 years, using the Exploring Science course. In Exploring Science, each year is divided into 12 units and each unit is divided into 5 topics. Each topic is divided into Starters, Exploring tasks, Explaining tasks and Plenaries.


Our approach to Geography in Years 7-9 is incorporating a wide range of regions into our thematic learning. This is complemented by using a core Geography textbook to ensure that relevant geographical knowledge, concepts, skills and understanding are developed.

ICT and Computing

The contemporary world is unthinkable without computers and computing. To take their place in that world our students need to be “digitally literate” in the here and now. That means not only operating equipment, but also being able to navigate the cyber world safely and in ways that are not damaging to themselves or others. In this rapidly developing field they also need to be prepared to deal with future forms of hardware and software confidently and competently. We have opted to deliver all lessons using One Note, which is accessible to students and parents both in school and at home, thereby actively demonstrating the use of ICT to support continuing learning.

In Year 7 and Year 8 we aim to:

  • Embed skills and knowledge in a wide range of ICT and computing capabilities including digital literacy
  • Enhance students’ skills in the office suite to allow them to demonstrate their understanding of audience and purpose through a wide range of project based learning, with a mix of programming and computing units to ensure that knowledge, skills and understanding are embedded from an early age; and
  • Enable students to experience some elements of programming so that they have a strong foundation for future study.

In Year 9 we offer two options – Computer Science and ICT

In Computer Science we aim to:

  • Teach students to think in a more logical way and become better at making decisions and solving problems;
  • Teach how the different parts of a computer work together and why they work the way they do
  • Develop students’ skills in programming systems, in preparation for the programming component
  • Encourage students to create code independently to solve problems;
  • Enable students to understand how computers communicate via networks;
  • Teach students to consider how important Information Technology is in today’s society, the impact and issues that can arise from using computer systems, and how to improve them.
  • Introduce students to examination style questions.
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Knowledge and Understanding of the World
  • Level
    Secondary School
  • Category
  • Language
  • Certificate